Official Musicfest Rules



Registration begins January 2nd, and the deadline is May 17th.

Every entry into each category will cost $75.00. Register by April 5th and receive a $10.00 Early Bird discount.

Late-entries will incur a $25.00 administration fee.


Categories will be organized based on two criteria.

  1. Age range (i.e. ages 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, etc).
  2. Level Range (i.e. Level 5 RCM, Vocal Contemporary 100)

This is to ensure that we keep the competitive integrity as fair as possible.

Each candidate in every category will receive a certificate for their performance at Musicfest. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive a trophy, as well as an additional insignia on their certificate for their achievement. 1st place winners will also be eligible to win a bursary. These bursaries are chosen by adjudicators, and will be announced at a later date.

Preliminary Level Students for all instruments will receive a trophy alongside their certificate and any additional placements.

For most categories, they will be split into CORE, and CONTEMPORARY.

CORE Categories are for candidates performing pieces through their main books and Arcadia/RCM syllabi. These include the Faber Piano Adventures Book, Hal Leonard, and Royal Conservatory of Music.

CONTEMPORARY Categories are for candidates performing pieces outside of the syllabi created by Arcadia, or the RCM. 

For Contemporary categories, they will be split into three levels.

  1. C100 – 2 or less years of experience with their instrument.
  2. C200 – 2 to 4 years of experience with their instrument.
  3. C300 – 5 or more years of experience with their instrument.

Ensure that you are aware of what each category requires, and speak with your instructor to prepare accordingly. 

Remember, while this is a competition, one of the main goals of Musicfest is to create a fun and engaging environment for all of our musicians. We are there to celebrate their passion, success, and dedication to their craft.


Please note that each category will take place on specific days as outlined below.

Thursday, June 12: Drums, Guitar (includes Ukulele & Bass guitar), and Instrumental

Friday, June 13: Violin, and Preliminary Piano

Saturday June 14: Piano (Faber Level 1+), and all Voice


Categories that allow for outside sheet music (i.e. Piano Core for their second piece) must provide proof of purchase the day of the competition. For sheet music that is free, or public domain, kindly attach any receipt or proof stating so. Please bring a copy for the adjudicator, proof of purchase, and one copy for yourself if needed.

Websites such as Musescore that have subscription based payment will also be permitted. Attach proof of subscription, whether by the instructor, or candidate to be shown the day of Musicfest.


Categories that require backing tracks must upload their track during registration in MP3 format. These backing tracks may be changed up until the deadline of May 17th. Contact Head Office for any inquiries regarding backing tracks, and changes. Each category will have stipulations on which kind of backing track will be permitted. 

Any changes, or last minute additions for backing tracks past the deadline (May 18th or later), will incur a $25.00 administration fee.

Category Rules

Piano Core (Two Pieces – No Backing Tracks)

  1. Candidates must perform two pieces.
    1. Piece One must be from the RCM/Arcadia course material syllabi
    2. Piece Two can also be from the RCM/Arcadia OR an equivalent non-course material. Examples include Faber Disney Books, or the RCM Popular Repertoire Syllabus. (For any questions related to appropriate pieces please contact Arcadia Head Office)
  2. All pieces are to be memorized.
    1. My First Piano Adventures C, and Piano Adventures Primer are not required to have their pieces memorized.
  3. Repeats are to be omitted for the second piece.
  4. Only ONE piece can be chosen from the RCM “Etudes/Studies”, or Faber “Technique and Artistry” book.
  5. Candidates may opt to prepare a higher-level piece. A maximum of ONE grade level higher will be permitted. For example, if a student registers for a Level 5 RCM bracket, they may opt to perform a Level 6 Study or Repertoire piece as their second selection.
  6. Candidates are required to submit a proof of purchase for sheet music should they opt to choose a popular piece. Bringing the book itself will also be considered proof.
  7. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Note Accuracy / Rhythm Accuracy / Technique and Tone Quality / Musicianship / Expression and Musicality.

Piano Contemporary (Two Pieces – No Backing Tracks)

  1. Candidates are to perform two stylistically different pieces and must be memorized.
  2. Each piece cannot be longer than four minutes. Repeats can be omitted; pieces can be performed without repeats if it means keeping their performance under four minutes.
  3. Pieces from the RCM Syllabus, or Faber Core(Lesson, Performance, Technique/Artistry) Books will not be permitted. RCM Popular Repertoire, and supplementary Faber books(Such as BigTime Piano, and Disney) will be permitted.
  4. Candidates are required to submit both copies of sheet music of their popular pieces during their check-in at musicfest.
  5. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Material / Rhythm Accuracy / Technical Proficiency / Musicianship / Expression and Musicality.

Vocal Classical (Two Songs – No Backing Track – Accompanist Required)

  1. Candidates must prepare two songs from the RCM repertoire.
    • Piece One must be chosen from “List A””
    • Piece Two can be either chosen from “List A” or “List B”
      • Candidates Grade 5 and higher may choose “List C” as their second piece.
  2. Songs must be memorized, and cannot exceed 4 minutes.
  3. Substitutions must be approved by Head Office, do not hesitate to contact us for any questions related to the syllabi.
  4. NO musical theatre songs, props, or microphones will be permitted.
  5. Accompaniment only. Self-Accompaniment is NOT permitted. Please speak with your front desk administration for booking, and available options.
  6. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Diction / Breathing and Alignment / Technical Proficiency and  Musicianship / Artistry and Expression / Stage Presence

Vocal Contemporary (Two Songs – Backing Track Allowed – Accompanist Prohibited)

  1. Candidates are to perform two contrasting songs.
  2. Both songs must be memorized, and cannot exceed 4 minutes.
  3. Self-accompaniment and accompaniment is prohibited. Candidates must use a backing track.
  4. Backing tracks must be provided at registration in an MP3 format.
    • Tracks must be instrumental only. NO vocals will be permitted.
    • If there are any changes, or adjustments for the backing track, contact us at Head Office and we can make those changes up until the registration deadline. Any changes after the deadline will incur an administration fee.
    • Custom-made backing tracks performed by an instructor will be permitted but must be performed by a piano only. 
  5. Any style of song is welcome. Any songs from the RCM Syllabus will be prohibited.
  6. Microphones are mandatory and will be provided.
  7. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Material / Breathing and Alignment / Technical Proficiency and Musicianship / Artistry and Expression / Stage Presence

Vocal Duet (One Song – Backing Track Allowed – Accompanist Prohibited)

  1. Candidates will perform a duet of one song. Candidates will be organized in age groups.
  2. Songs must be memorized and cannot exceed four minutes.
  3. Self-accompaniment and accompaniment is prohibited. Candidates must use a backing track.
  4. Backing tracks must be provided at registration in an MP3 format.
    • Tracks must be instrumental only. NO vocals will be permitted.
    • If there are any changes, or adjustments for the backing track, contact us at Head Office and we can make those changes up until the registration deadline. Any changes after the deadline will incur an administration fee.
    • Custom-made backing tracks performed by an instructor will be permitted but must be performed by a piano only. 
  5. No props will be permitted. Microphones are mandatory and will be provided.
  6. Any style of music is welcomed!

Vocal Musical Theatre (One Song – Backing Track Allowed – Accompanist Prohibited)

  1. Candidates will perform one song.
  2. The song must be memorized, and rehearsed. The song cannot exceed five minutes.
  3. The usage of props will be permitted as long as setup time does not exceed two minutes.
    • Instructors will be permitted to help setup to expedite the process. They will be briefed to maintain proper etiquette to maintain competitive integrity.
  4. Backing Track ONLY. Accompaniment or Self-Accompaniment will be prohibited.
  5. Backing tracks must be provided at registration in an MP3 format.
    • Tracks must be instrumental only. NO vocals will be permitted.
    • If there are any changes, or adjustments for the backing track, contact us at Head Office and we can make those changes up until the registration deadline. Any changes after the deadline will incur an administration fee.
    • Custom-made backing tracks performed by an instructor will be permitted but must be performed by a piano only. 
  6. Use of a microphone is optional and will be available to performers, if neccessary.
  7. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Diction / Breathing and Alignment / Technical Proficiency / Musicianship / Artistry and Expression / Stage Presence.

Guitar Core (Two Pieces – No Backing Tracks)

  1. Candidates will perform two stylistically different pieces memorized.
    • Preliminary Students are not required to memorize their pieces.
  2. Both pieces must be performed from either the RCM Syllabus, or the Hal Leonard Books and cannot exceed 4 minutes.
  3. Repeats are to be omitted in the second piece.
  4. Candidates cannot use any effect pedals, or backing tracks. Accompaniment is not allowed.
  5. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Pitch Accuracy / Rhythm Accuracy / Technical Proficiency / Musicianship / Expression and Musicality.

Guitar Contemporary (One Piece)

  1. Candidates will perform one piece to be played in its entirety, and memorized. The piece must not exceed five minutes.
    • Adjudicators will stop marking after five minutes, and will stop the performance at five minutes and thirty seconds.
  2. Backing tracks will be allowed, but there must be no guitar or voice as part of the track.
  3. Backing tracks must be provided at registration in an MP3 format.
    • If there are any changes, or adjustments for the backing track, contact us at Head Office and we can make those changes up until the registration deadline. Any changes after the deadline will incur an administration fee.
  4. Use of tabs will be permitted. They will be presented to the adjudicator alongside proof of purchase. Candidates are required to submit their sheet music/tabs during check-in the day of Musicfest.
  5. Distortion will be permitted only through the use of the amp. All other effect pedals will be prohibited.
  6. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Material / Rhythm Accuracy / Technical Proficiency / Musicianship / Expression and Musicality.

Ukulele Core (Two Pieces – No Backing Tracks)

  1. Candidates will perform two pieces from the Arcadia Ukulele Syllabus (Hal Leonard Books)
  2. Both pieces must be memorized and cannot exceed four minutes.
    • Preliminary Students are not required to memorize either piece.
    • Repeats are to be omitted on the second piece.
  3. No backing tracks or accompanists will be permitted.
  4. No special effects such as amps, pedals, or distortion will be permitted.
  5. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Pitch Accuracy / Rhythm Accuracy / Technical Proficiency / Musicianship / Expression and Musicality.

Bass Core (Two Pieces – No Backing Tracks)

  1. Candidates will perform two stylistically different pieces memorized.
    • Preliminary Students are not required to memorize their pieces.
  2. Both pieces must be performed from the Hal Leonard Books and cannot exceed 4 minutes.
  3. Repeats are to be omitted in the second piece.
  4. Candidates cannot use any effect pedals, or backing tracks. Accompaniment is not allowed.
  5. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Pitch Accuracy / Rhythm Accuracy / Technical Proficiency / Musicianship / Expression and Musicality.

Bass Contemporary (One Piece with Technical Tests)

  1. Candidates will perform one piece, as well as four different riffs/series of licks for their performance.
  2. The piece will be played in its entirety and memorized, and cannot exceed five minutes.
    • Adjudicators will stop marking after five minutes, and will stop the performance at five minutes and thirty seconds.
  3. Backing tracks will be allowed, but there must be no bass or voice as part of the track.
  4. Backing tracks must be provided at registration in an MP3 format.
    • If there are any changes, or adjustments for the backing track, contact us at Head Office and we can make those changes up until the registration deadline. Any changes after the deadline will incur an administration fee.
  5. In addition to their piece, Candidates will prepare four separate licks or riffs to be adjudicated based on their technical ability.
    • These exercises should approximately be 15-20 seconds in length. Examples include walking bass lines, 12-bar blues, or slapping. Refer to the Hal Leonard books for examples.
  6. Sheet music/tabs for the riffs and piece must be presented during check-in the day of Musicfest.
  7. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Material / Rhythm Accuracy / Technical Proficiency / Musicianship / Expression and Musicality.

Drums Core (One Song with Technical Tests – Backing Tracks Required – Students must bring Technical Tests.)

  1. Candidates must perform one song as well as the technical tests listed in the Musicfest Drums Criteria. 
    • Please consult your instructor to choose the appropriate selections.
    • A copy of the technical tests criteria will be available at your front desk location.
  2. The song must be memorized. The adjudicator will list out each technical test to be performed. The tests are not required to be memorized.
  3. Candidates must use a backing track as part of their performance, and the backing track cannot contain any drums or percussion.
  4. Backing tracks must be provided at registration in an MP3 format.
    • If there are any changes, or adjustments for the backing track, contact us at Head Office and we can make those changes up until the registration deadline. Any changes after the deadline will incur an administration fee.

Violin/Strings Core (Two Pieces – No Backing Tracks – Accompanist Required)

  1. Candidates will perform two pieces from the Arcadia or RCM Syllabus. 
    • For RCM students, their first piece must be from “List A” in the repertoire. Their second piece may be either from “List A” or “List B”.
      • Candidates Grade 5 RCM or higher may additionally opt to choose their second piece from “List C.”
  2. Preliminary students are not required to memorize ethier pieces.
  3. Both pieces must be memorized and cannot exceed 4 minutes.
    • Preliminary students are not required to memorize ethier pieces.
    • For students in RCM 5 or higher: pieces from List B (Sonata/Sonatina) are not required to be memorized.
  4. Accompanists only – Piano or Acoustic Guitar can be used. Backing tracks will not be permitted.
    • Please speak with your front desk administration for booking and available options.
  5. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Pitch Accuracy / Rhythm Accuracy / Technique and Tone Quality / Musicianship / Expression and Musicality.

Wind and Brass Core (Two Pieces – No Backing Tracks – Accompanist Required)

  1. Candidates will perform two pieces from the RCM syllabus. 
  2. Both pieces must be stylistically different and memorized. Each piece cannot exceed 4 minutes.
  3. Accompanist is required. Self-accompany, and backing tracks are NOT permitted. Candidates can opt to be accompanied by a piano or an acoustic guitar.
  4. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Pitch Accuracy / Rhythm Accuracy / Technique and Tone Quality / Musicianship / Expression and Musicality.

Instrumental Contemporary (One Piece – Backing Tracks Allowed – Accompanist Allowed)

  1. This category is intended for instruments that do not have their own contemporary category.
    • Piano, Guitar, Vocal, and Bass have their own categories, and will not be permitted to perform in this one.
  2. Candidates will perform one contemporary piece (that is not a part of the repertoire/Arcadia books). All forms of music are welcome.
  3. PIece must be memorized and cannot exceed four minutes.
  4. Candidates will have an option to use a backing track, or accompaniment.
  5. Backing tracks must be provided at registration in an MP3 format.
    • If there are any changes, or adjustments for the backing track, contact us at Head Office and we can make those changes up until the registration deadline. Any changes after the deadline will incur an administration fee.
  6. Sheet music must be submitted during check-in the day of Musicfest.
  7. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Material / Rhythm Accuracy / Technical Proficiency / Musicianship / Expression and Musicality.

Instrumental Duet (One Piece – No Vocal – No Backing Track)

  1. Candidates will perform one piece as a duet. Any combination of instruments may be paired except for vocal performances.
  2. The piece must be memorized and cannot exceed four minutes.
  3. Any style of music is welcomed.
  4. No usage of backing track may be permitted.
  5. Amp distortion for guitar? No pedals.
  6. Candidates will be graded on the following qualities: Pitch Accuracy / Rhythm Accuracy / Technical Proficiency and Coordination / Musicianship / Expression and Musicality.